If you’re a regular Shell customer with imperfect credit, the Shell Fuel Rewards Card may be a good choice for saving a couple of bucks every time you gas up. You’ll get an instant discount of 10-cent per-gallon at the pump as long as you maintain Gold-level Fuel Rewards membership status. Plus, you’ll get a little money back that you spend on purchases of food and other incidentals at Shell stations. While there are credit cards on the market offering bigger rewards on gas—of any brand—you may have to have good credit to qualify for those.

The Shell Fuel Rewards Card may also be a worthwhile choice if you’re looking for a credit card to build or rehabilitate your credit profile. Because it’s typically easier for people with limited or imperfect credit to get approved for private-label gas cards than to qualify for a major credit card like a Mastercard or Visa, this type of card can be a useful credit-building tool—and one that helps you resist overspending. After all, there’s only so much gasoline you can buy. If this is your primary purpose, make sure there are Shell stations on your regular driving routes. 

Just keep in mind that unlike some gas cards, you can’t use this card anywhere besides Shell stations. (The Shell Fuel Rewards Mastercard, a sister card also issued by Citibank, can be used anywhere, but again, you’ll probably have to have good credit to qualify.) Plus, like most gas credit cards, the APR on this card is high, so this is not a good choice for carrying a balance.

Who Is Shell Fuel Rewards Card Best For?


Menards is a chain of home improvement stores located in the Midwestern United States, owned by founder John Menard Jr. through his privately held company, Menard, Inc. Menards® home improvement stores are conveniently located throughout the Midwest in a 14-state region. From the novice do-it-yourselfer to the experienced contractor, Menards® has something for everyone! As a family-owned and operated business, Menards® is truly dedicated to service and quality and is the place to "Save BIG Money!®" on all your home improvement needs.

AAA Credit Card

Whether or not you are an AAA member, the AAA Member Rewards Credit Card is an excellent option for your wallet. It provides a 3% rewards rate on travel purchases, and 2% at gas stations, grocery stores, and drugstores. All of these are well above what the average cash back credit cards provide in similar categories. Though you can get comparable rewards with a better welcome bonus with other cards, those offers typically come with annual fees and bonus-requirements that require you to be a high-spender to turn a profit.

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